
Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition

Top Civilizations

This list does not include the new Rise of Rome Expansion

  1. Lithuanians
    • Cavalry and Monk Civ
    • Extra food to start
    • Extra units with relics
    • Unique Unit: Leiti and Winged Hussar
  2. Vikings
    • Naval and Infantry Civ
    • Unique Unit: Longboat and Berserker
    • Berserker regenerates health while resting
  3. Mayans
    • Archer Civ
    • Versatile with the ability to dominate on any map type
    • Good archer counter: skirmishers throw an extra spear
    • Unique Unit: Plumed Archer
  4. Britons
    • Archer Civ
    • Unique Unit: Longbowman
    • Longest archer range in the game
  5. Persians
    • Cavalry Civ
    • Unique Unit: War Elephants
  6. Chinese
    • Archer Civ
    • Unique Unit: Cho Ko Nu
    • Start with extra villagers, but no food
  7. Cumans
    • Cavalry Civ
    • Feudal age building privledges
    • Unique Unit: Kipchaks
  8. Huns
    • Cavalry Civ
    • No houses needed
    • Unique Unit: Tarkan
    • Enemy relics generate half the normal rate
  9. Aztecs
    • Infantry Civ
    • 33% more gold generated from relics
    • Unique Unit: Jaguar and Eagle Warriors
  10. Malians
    • Many tech bonuses
    • Strong all around civ
  11. Byzantines
    • Defensive Civ
    • Almost every tech is available
    • Unique Unit: Cataphract
    • Cataphract is one of the most powerful units in the game
  12. Tatars
    • Cavalry Civ
    • Bad infantry and converstion resistance
    • Unique Unit: Keshik
    • Keshik generates gold with each attack
  13. Koreans
    • Defensive Civ
    • Free upgrades and longer range for towers
    • Unique Unit: War wagon, Turtle Ship
  14. Franks
    • Powerful cavalry civ
    • Faster food collection
    • Castles built for 488 stone
    • Unique Unit: Throwing axeman

Fast Castle

  • First two villagers build a house, third villager builds additional house
  • Next 3 to food (6)
  • 4 to wood and build lumber camp
  • 4 to berries and build mill, one needs to build houses
  • 2 to boar/sheep/berries then to farms
  • 5 to wood
  • 2 to gold and build mining camp
  • 6 to stone
  • Loom and Feudal
  • Use stone miners to build walls as needed
  • Build market and blacksmith (2 and 1 villager respectivley)
  • 1 to house and farm
  • Castle age
  • Monastary and get relics and build castle
  • Keep building up military and economy
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